The Far West NSW Regional Training Hub – Space to Grow
The Far West NSW Regional Training Hub (FWNSWRTH) is an Australian Government funded organisation that is hosted by the Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health. To create a sustainable medical workforce its focus is on forming collaborations between health organisations including the Royal Flying Doctor Service, SE (RFDS-SE), Far West Local Health District (FWLHD), Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and the NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN). It also supports all stages of medical career development.
Read more about the Far West NSW Regional Training Hub
We aim to:
- Generate a sustainable medical workforce that meets the health needs of the Far West NSW region.
- Improve the coordination, continuity and capacity of rural clinical training to encourage and enable prevocational medical students to complete most of their studies and training in a rural and/remote area.
- To provide opportunities and experiences which strengthen and foster a desire in those on the medical career pathway to choose to go rural.
We value the experiences and opinions of those on the medical career pathway. We want your rural experience to be a positive one and we need your help to ensure that we provide it. We would like to hear from you. Pop into our office in the Medical Clinical Stream at the BHUDRH or via contact details below.
Health Workforce Scholarship Program
NSW Rural Doctors Network
The Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) provides scholarships and bursaries to help health professionals in rural and remote Australia retain and enhance their skills, capacity and scope of practice. The Program is an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health, administered in New South Wales by NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN).
Download Application Guidelines (pdf) for more information or visit the NSW RDN Health Workforce Scholarship Program website.
Destination Medicine Podcasts
Destination Medicine Podcasts
The opportunities for a successful medical career in rural Australia are immense. The Destination Medicine© podcast library has been created to assist anyone who has thought about a career as a rural doctor to make informed decisions and navigate with greater confidence a rural medical pathway.
Our doctors share their candid and fascinating stories so that you, the listener, can have a better understanding of what’s involved in pursuing a rural career pathway. Lifestyle counts - and for those who are living in rural and remote Australia, the impact is immeasurable.
Listen now @ Destination Medicine Podcasts