The BHUDRH facilitates a community dietetics placement that allows students to explore working with Aged Care and /or Disability clients. These populations have higher rates of chronic disease and other health issues, but often have lower accessibility to Allied Health Services.

Students will be working in a group of 2-4 students to either do a needs analysis, implementation or evaluation of a community program for one of these populations.

The group will work autonomously and as a team, with guidance from the Discipline Supervisor.
Previous placements have worked with local Aged Care providers, Southern Cross Care and disability services, and Life without Barriers.

Types of student projects:

  • Health promotion program around key nutrients deficient in Aged Care residents diets (fibre, protein and fluid)
  • Creating a resource that helped the disability service work with residents to choose healthier food options
  • Create an education package for staff of a disability respite centre around healthy eating.

Placement Enquiries

If you would like to find out more about a dietetics placement in the Far West Region (Broken Hill), please contact your university lecturer or the BHUDRH Education Support Officer, Sonia McCully.

Phone: 08 8080 1200

North West Academic Centre

The North West Region offers Community & Public Health Nutrition (CPHN) placements and Food Service Management (FSM) placements within the community. 

Placement Enquiries

If you would like to find out more about a dietetics placement in the Allied Health  program, please contact your university lecturer or the NWAC Charlene Noye.

Phone: 02 6870 2663