The AHOS Program offers social work students an opportunity to complete a paediatric service-learning placement at local primary schools.
In NSW, social work in schools is an emerging area of practice. A placement with this program can be viewed as an exciting, trail blazing opportunity.
The scope of potential student activities is based on AASW guidelines and is focused on:
- the young person in the school environment;
- inequalities, barriers and distresses that negatively impact on a young person’s capacity to optimally engage in school life;
- working within a framework of human rights and social justice; and
- supporting the development of safe and inclusive schools.
This broad framework allows students to be responsive to the school community and adapt the focus of their work to meet the specific needs of individual schools.
In practice this may include:
- individual support;
- care coordination;
- group work;
- research and policy; and
- community development.
Learning is supported by social work supervision provided by UDRH.
La Trobe social work students talk about their field placement experience. Click on the link below to access OneDrive.
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Placement Enquiries
If you would like to find out more about a social work placement in the Allied Health in Outback Schools program, please contact your university lecturer or the BHUDRH Social Work Academic, Hannah Dean or Education Support Officer, Sonia McCully.
Phone: 08 8080 1200
NWAC Placement Enquiries
The NWAC region offers community or school-based placement opportunities
For placements in the North West Region (Bourke, Brewarrina, Cobar, Lightning Ridge and Walgett), please contact Charlene Noye.
Phone: 0400 656 823